BusinessActiv Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH
Our company is taking part in financing of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises by providing them with borrowed funds for the implementation of investment projects in the field of renewable energy sources to secure environments and gain profit.
Green Energy
Green Energy
Green energy provides the highest environmental benefit and includes power produced by solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, low-impact hydroelectric, and certain eligible biomass sources.These renewable energy sources enter the power grid and are indistinguishable from conventional energy sources when you flip a light switch or charge your phone. Although renewable energy encompasses the same sources as green energy, this energy more broadly includes technologies and products which can have a considerable impact on both the local and global environment. In order to produce more and more green power, we are supporting various renewable energy projects and make investments in technologies that help them grow.
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that is constantly replenished through natural processes. These resources are often also referred to as alternative or renewable energy, mainly because they are a fuel option that can replace conventional non-renewable fossil fuels. Fossil fuels, like oil and coal, produce energy when they are burned, but their supply is limited because they don’t naturally replenish on a short enough timescale for humans to use.Renewable energy sources are beneficial because they have a very limited negative environmental impact when compared to fossil fuels. In the past, they were too expensive to be used widely. However, that’s changing – many renewable energy sources are cost-effective. 
Renewables, including solar, wind, hydro, biofuels and others, are at the centre of the transition to a less carbon-intensive and more sustainable energy system. 
Renewables have grown rapidly in recent years, driven by policy support and sharp cost reductions for solar photovoltaics and wind power in particular. The electricity sector remains the brightest spot for renewables with the strong growth of solar photovoltaics and wind in recent years, building on the already significant contribution of hydropower. But electricity accounts for only a fifth of global energy consumption, and the role of renewables in the transportation and heating sectors remains critical to the energy transition.
Solar energy is the conversion of sunlight into usable energy forms. Solar photovoltaics (PV), solar thermal electricity and solar heating and cooling are well established solar technologies.
Solar PV combines two advantages: module manufacturing can be done in large plants, which allows for economies of scale, and it is also a very modular technology and can be deployed in very small quantities at a time. This allows for a wide range of applications. Systems can be very small, from personal electronics or off-grid applications, up to utility-scale power generation facilities.
Our company seeks start-ups which produce and deliver solar energy products and other renewable energy products. We grant loan facilities for development and promotion of renewable energy products to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Model investment analysis
We will consider the following key elements:
  • Initial investment (and yearly running cost) of the panels;
  • Revenue generated by selling power;
  • Tax paid;
  • Effects of the financing structure, such as loan repayments, dividend payments.

We would typically test for multiple scenarios, such as:
  • Delay in project execution;
  • Higher or lower cost;
  • Higher or lower production.