BusinessActiv Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH
Consulting Services
We work with businesses to improve their performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. Our company works with businesses across a wide range of sectors, including business strategy, finance, HR and marketing. It’s not just private firms - many public institutions turn to consulting companies to improve their practices and efficiency.
Business Consulting

General Management and Administrative Consulting

In order to withdraw a company from a crisis situation, bring a companie's workflow and office management in order we provide our clients with an audit of current procedures, give recommendations for improvement and an action plan for implementation. They can be brought in by a business to advise senior management on a specific project or more broadly on the structure and practices of a firm.
We are filling in for a skills gap a business has. It can be much cheaper to source external help than hiring new individuals or even a team to manage a project or task.
We make expertise in a certain area, which a business may not have internally and focus on the project on hand without getting distracted by the day-to-day running of the business.
We provide advice on a specific issue and tend to involve a lot of data analysis. Our project usually goes as follows:
Problem definition – What problem are we trying to solve?
Approach – How are we going to investigate this problem?
Data gathering – Find out everything we can about the issue;
Data Analysis – What does our data show?
Advice – What is the best solution according to our data and expertise?
Implementation – Enact positive change based on the recommendations.
Financial Management Consulting
In the current economic conditions business develops very dynamically. There are complexities of a companys development which only true professionals owning invaluable practical experience and the newest technologies can solve.
In order to improve financial management and increase our Clients performance, our company renders financial consulting services a complex of consulting services aimed on development of effective and reliable system of financial management.

We help to solve the following tasks:
  • Financial analysis
  • Investment solutions
  • Transactions with capital assets
  • Debt re-structuring
  • Financial strategy consulting
  • Valuation of business, property, tangible and intangible assets
  • Strategic planning
  • Project / Programme Management
  • Business planning and financial modelling
  • Re-organization of business structures and enterprise activities
  • Marketing research
  • Consulting on Quality Management Systems
  • Risk management
  • Due Diligence
  • Internal control system optimization

Market Analysis Consulting
Our consulting services in the sphere of effective market analysis include an accurate description of the target market and thorough market research. It conveys a holistic picture of a specific market. A market analysis consists of five different areas in which information is collected and analyzed.
At the beginning, we define your market and differentiate it from other markets. Depending on the product or service, your market can be defined using various criteria. In order to carry out segment-specific analysis, the target market must be divided into different segments based on certain characteristics. Such characteristics can be socio-demographic (age, sex, income) or regional (states, cities).
The following questions should be covered in the market description:
  • What target group is your product or service aimed at?
  • What age group is your product aimed at?
  • What is the average income of your target market?
  • Where does your target market live?
When determining the size of your market we use data that is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. This part of the market analysis is about determining and evaluating the actual turnover or sales volume of a product or service in a specific market. Based on these figures we make forecasts about the market development and derive the attractiveness of the market from this. The market development includes market growth and growth rates.
Our market analysis consulting does not only reveal the past and current state of a market, but also the trend of its future development. For this purpose, the potential analysis highlights potential employees, market entry barriers, success factors, as well as current developments and trends. A forecast of the market development is particularly important for your sales planning and for possible investors.
HR (Personnel) Management Consulting
The aim of our HR (Personnel) management consulting services is to improve  personnel administration or transactional personnel work. This kind of administration deals intensively with the relationship between employees and the company. In the course of transactional tasks, data is also transferred to third parties. For example, payroll accounting is forwarded to the responsible authorities.
We help to maintain and provide up-to-date, accurate personnel data. This ensures optimal internal communication within the company. Additionally, we show the ways to organize efficient administrative work as a prerequisite for smooth internal cooperation. In general, it is the personnel administrator’s task to organize and simplify all processes concerning a company’s employees.
We help to perform their tasks efficiently and accurately, by this the personnel management can achieve its goal: to establish, maintain, or expand employee satisfaction. A high level of employee satisfaction and a functioning personnel management system creative decisive advantages for a company. If employees are satisfied, they work more productively and creatively, they’re less frequently sick, and they have a higher level of loyalty to their employer.
The main aspects of our Human Resources Consulting:
Training and development
Employee engagement and satisfaction
Conflict resolution
Employee benefits and pensions
Talent mobility
Manpower plans
Recruiting goals
Training requirements
Skills analysis
Manager leadership development
Next generation development
Conflict management
Team building
Productivity analysis
The first step is to assess the financial situation of the company. All data should be provided for an accurate report.
Create a business/financial plan that includes both short- and long-term goals, in accordance with the client’s requests.
Presenting the plans to the client and making the appropriate changes, if needed.
Deliver Results 
Once the financial plan is approved and brought to action, we make sure the final goal is achieved.